You Alone by Joe Praize Complete Lyrics

Song Title: All Alone

Artist: Joe Praize



Verse 1:

I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone (x2)
I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone

You alone (x3)
It’s You and You alone (x2)
You alone (x3)
It’s You and You alone ……. Say


I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone (x2)
I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone (x2)

You alone (x3)
It’s You and You alone (It’sYou and You alone)
(repeat three more times)

I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone (x2)

I am fully persuaded
And I have made up my mind, my mind
Its You and You alone
Oh ohh

Verse 2:
I’ve burnt my bridges
There’s no turning back
I’ve burnt my bridges
My mind is still in Yours
I’ve burnt my bridges
There’s no turning back
I’ve burnt my bridges
My mind is still in Yours
(Repeat 3 times)

ALSO SEE  I Receive Lyrics by Joe Praize

I am convince
I have made up my mind
It’s You and You alone (x2)
It’s You alone (x4)

The Video

Thanks for visiting NEW AGE GOSPEL LYRICS and for going through this official video and/or lyrics to You Alone by Joe Praize. Do have a super-fabulous day ahead.

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.