Yesu Twakuabudu Lyrics by Samawati Band

Yesu, Twakuabudu 2x
(Jesus Christ, We Worship You)
Ewe Pekee, Twakuabudu 2x
(You Alone, We Worship You)

Mfalme Wa Wafalme,
(King of Kings)
Uliye Mkuu,
(Thou art Great)
Ukajakwa Watumwa
(You came to Sinners enslaved)
Wa Dhambi
(By Great Sin)
(You did not condemn us)
Ila Ulijitoa
(But You gave Yourself as a Sacrifice for Our Sins)
Repeat 2x
Yesu Twakuabudu 2x
(Jesus Christ We Worship You)
Ewe Pekee, Twakuabudu wee 2x
(You Alone We Worship You)
Repeat 2x
Guitar Interlude
Asantikwa Kunifia
(Thank You For Dying for me)
Asante Kunilipia
(Thank You Jesus For paying My Debt)
Everybody Sing…
Asantikwa Kunifia
(Thank You For Dying for me)
Asante Kunilipia
(Thank You Jesus For paying My Debt)
Repeat 3 times…then fade

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  • yesu twakuabudu lyrics
  • Twakuabudu lyrics songs by swati band

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