Yek’ inhlanhla yokwazana
[What a privilege to know]
Nokukholwa, kholwa kuy’ uJesu
[And have faith in Jesus]
Siyazingelwa kodwa asidelwa
[We are targets but they can’t kill us]
Siwiswa phansi kodwa asibhujiswa
[They brought us down but we shall not die]
Sithwele njalo njalo emzimbeni wethu
[We always carry in our bodies]
Ukufa, kufa kukaJesu
[Jesus’ death]
Asingabheki okubonwayo
[Let’s not focus on material things]
Kodwa sibheke okungabonwayo
[But focus on the spiritual things]
Okubonwayo okwesikhashana
[Material things are temporary]
Kodw’ okungabonwa kungoba phakade
[But spiritual things lasts forever]
‘Kade (bona) kungoba phakade
Thina sizelwe ngokukaKristu
[We are born in Christ]
Siyizidalwa, ‘dalwa ezisha
[We are the new creatures]
Okwakudala sekudlulile
[Old things have passed on]
Hmmm bhekani sekuvela okusha
[Look, new things are showing]
Kodwa (Se) sekuvela okusha
Bheka sekuvel’ igolide
[Look, gold is also showing]
Singamanxusa kakristu
[We commit ourselves to Christ]
Ngathi uThix’ uyanxusa
[To us God is committed as well]
Siyanxusa, vuyiselani naye
[We are committed, let’s rejoice with Him]
Yek’ inhlanhla yokwazana nomhlobo wami
[What a privilege to know my friend]
Usithandile, usithengile
[We are loved, we are bought]
Wayehlatshwa njengemvana
[He was slaughtered like a lamb]
Azangenz’ owakh’ umntwana
[May He make me His own son]
Yek’ inhlanhla yokwazana nomhlobo wami