Whole Again by St. Chika complete lyrics + Full video

Song Title: Whole again
Artist: St. Chika


Whole Again (4x)

Was once lost in sin but Jesus took me in
Then a little light from Heaven filled my soul
He bathed my heart with love and wrote my name above
Just a little talk with Jesus made me whole

He made me whole
He made me whole
He made me whole
He made me whole again

Whole Again in my finances
Whole Again in my businesses
Whole Again
Whole Again
Whole Again
I’m Whole Again
Whole Again in my finances
Whole Again in my businesses
Whole Again
Whole Again
My Family
We are Whole Again

I’m whole whole whole whole
Whole Again
Whole Again
Whole Again
I’m whole whole whole whole
Whole Again
I’m Whole Again
Whole Again

He made me whole
He made me whole
He made me whole
He made me whole again

ALSO SEE  Amazing Grace by Femiclef lyrics and Video

Whole Again in my finances
Whole Again in my businesses
Whole Again
Whole Again
Whole Again
I’m Whole Again
Whole Again in my finances
Whole Again in my businesses
Whole Again
Whole Again
My Family
We are Whole Again

The video

Thanks for visiting www.nglyrics.com and seeing the full lyrics to the song title: Whole Again by St. Chika.

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.