WHAT A MIGHTY GOD – JOYOUS REWIND 2011 LYRICS By Khaya Mthethwa and Xolani Mdlalose

What a mighy God
He’s a mighty god
What a mighty God we serve

What a mighy God (what a mighty God)
He’s a mighty god (He’s a mighty god)
What a mighty God we serve (Might God we serve)

What a mighy God we serve
What a mighty God we serve
Angles bow beofre you
Heaven and earth adore you
What a mighty God we serve

Uphakeme kakhulu
Uphakeme kakhulu
Zonk’ izingelosi
Zikhothama kuwe
Uphakem kakhulu

All the angels said it
Heaven and earth declare it
Lift your voice and say
He’s a mighty God

What a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve
Angles bow before you
Heaven and earth adore you
What a mighty God we serve

Uphakeme kakhulu
Uphakeme kakhulu
Zonk’ izingelosi
Zikhothama kuwe
Uphakem kakhulu

We serve a mighty God
We serve a mighty God
Say yeah (Yeah)

What a mighty God (we serve)
What a mighty God (we serve)
What a mighty God we serve (we serve)

He’s mighty, he’s mighty
He’s mighty, he’s mighty

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What a mighty God (we serve)
What a mighty God (we serve)
What a mighty God we serve (we serve)

Angles bow before you
Heaven and earth adore you
What a mighty God we serve

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