Up To Something Lyrics by Celestine Donkor

Sometimes it’s hard to believe, ye yeah, that God is on your side
Cos nothing seem to be working, no matter how hard you are knocking ye-ah
You may have fasted and prayed, you’ve waited in pain
But all to no avail;
When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.

When you are down to nothing, God is up to something (4x)
In your prayers meditations, you ask God many questions
Oh what did I do wrong? Why me oh why me?
Oh uu your heart is grieved with pain
Your hope you cannot maintain
But it may not be your making
Am saying God is up to something
When you are down to nothing God is up to something (4x)
Keep on believing, Keep on praying
Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop worshiping
don’t stop believing
This is not the time to give up
This is not the time to stop praying
Oh yes
He is up to something (3x)
You seem to be at the verge of losing your faith in God
But I want you to know, that God is thinking about your case
So don’t stop praying keep looking at him alone don’t look at the storms
He is up to something; God is up to some…thing
You may be down but you’re not out
Keep believing in Jesus
Keep looking at him
Keep on praying, Keep on believing, Keep on looking
Yes, rent is due money is small, oh yes children need to eat
You may ask yourself what am I gonna do?
God is up to something,
he will be right there 2x
don’t look at the storms
God is up to something,
Oh yes
Yes I believe 2x
I believe in miracles 2x
I believe in Jesus 2x
I believe in his healing
Oh he is right there and he will be right there on time
Yes on time, on time, on time
Repeat chorus till fade


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