Umile umile umile
[You’re there]
Umile umile phakade
[You’re there eternally]
Jehova wena owawukhon’ emandulo
[Jehovah You were present from the beginning]
Igama lakho unguYena uNdinguye
[Your name is I Am That I Am]
Umhlaba nezulu kuyodlula
[Heaven and earth shall pass]
Kodwa wena uhlal’ umile njalo
[But you will always be there]
Umile umile umile
Umile umile phakade
Umile umile bayede umile
Umile umile phakade
Nguyen’ izolo namuhla naphakade
[You were yesterday, today and forever]
Izwi lakho aliguquki
[You stick to your word]
Konke kwavela ngawe
[All came through you]
Wena wawukhon’ emandulo
[You were present from the beginning]

NgLyrics Editor

NgLyrics Editor is the chief among the editorial team of New-age Gospel Lyrics. Our team is made up of dedicated believers around the world whose sole interest is promoting the gospel via songs, worship, messages and praise. You can join our team of contributors by sending us a contact request