Ordinary Man (Kenny K’ore)

Title: Ordinary Man (Kenny K’ore)


I’m what the Father says I am;
I love the me I see through His eyes
There’s more to me than what today reveals
I know The Potter is not through with me, no

I’m what the Father says I am
I stand in Him more than a conqueror
I live by faith and faith in Him alone
I know the Potter is not through with me

‘Cause He says “Believe In Me everything is possible
You’re worth more than a sparrow in My ever loving eyes”
I know its true; In Him I live and have my being
Without Him I am just another ordinary man
Ordinary man

I’m what the Father says I am
Don’t have to look like my tomorrow now
I call the things not as though they were
The Good Shepherd will not let me down

I’m what the Father says I am
Only His word truly counts
Take everything but leave His grace with me
I pray to never ever let Him down
Its not easy, no: Living my life depending on You
But I have come to see it
Only You can make it so true
Make it so true…

ALSO SEE  Are You Ready Lyrics by Kenny K’Ore



NgLyrics Editor

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