Title: Nyumbani (Home) (Ruri Sambili)

(Sung in Kalenjin – A Hymn)

Yelele Nyumbani (Yelele, Home) x4

Jesu lapkeiyetab sobondanyu (Jesus is the light of my soul)
Ng’ang’wa imandang’ung’ (Teach me Your righteousness)
Kweng’wa oret ne abune (Lead me in the road I travel)
Asi matekta mesundeito (That troubles may not overwhelm me)
Ye kait sait ne kaimen emet (When it is time for the land to awaken)
Ak ang’etat ak aboi .?. (And I rise to .?.)
Kona awo aru komnye (Lead me until it’s time to sleep)
Ak iriba eng’ mesundeito (And protect me from the darkness)

And I say, you are the sun of my soul
You are the light of my life
Leading me all the right way home
Jesus, you are the song of my soul
Yelele Nyumbani (Yelele, Home) x4

Tebi kabota eng’ kemoi tugul (Abide with me through the night)
Jesu inegitena kat koech (Jesus, protect me until dawn)
Kona ang’eet achamege (Grant me to awake alright)
Si achobok ayai boisieng’ung (That I maybe able to continue your work)
Jesu, ii Lapkeiyetab kipsengwet (Jesus, you are the light of heaven)
Mami mesundeita eng’ oldang’ung’ (There is no darkness in your realm)
Iluuchi nguno orennyu (Lead me today in my way)
Agoi tun aitu taing’ung’ (Until the time I come before your presence)

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NgLyrics Editor

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