Title: Mwanake (His Son) (Benachi Ben Ft. Kaberere)

(Sung in Swahili)

Usinione nimechakaa unitilie dharau (Don’t look at my tatters and despise me)
Mimi binadamu, umesahau? (I am also human, have you forgotten?)

Unaishi kwa dhamani, (You live in riches)
Mimi naishi kwa imani (I live on faith)
Mbele zako mimi sina haki, (Before you I have no rights)
Mbele zake mimi mwenye hadhi (But before Him, I am valuable)
Fahamu kuwa Mola ndiye aliniumba mimi na wewe (Remember God is the creator of all)

Mimi mwanake, usiku nitalala (I am His son, I will sleep in peace)
Mbele zake maulana, sote tuko sawa (For before the Lord, we are all equal)

Ulinipuuza mie, eti sifai kuwa nawe (You wrote me off as useless)
Uliniona mie, eti hati ya kula nawe (I was not worthy to eat with you)
Sahani moja tupotiliwa chakula (From one plate when we were served)
Nyumba moja tulipofaa kuishi pamoja (In one house as we were meant)



Wema wake taji la upendo juu yangu (His love and mercy are my crowns (?))
Ndani yake nilikuwa na uwoga wote uwe kimya (Before Him, all my fears are silent)


NgLyrics Editor

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