Ku Khongela (I Have Decided) (Worship House)

(Sung in Tsonga)

Ku khongela ndzilo tihlawulela (I have decided to lead a prayerful life)
A ndza hathleli (And I will not change my mind)
Ku khongela ndzilo tihlawulela (I have decided to lead a prayerful life)

Hambi loko ringa duma rithlela rihatima (Even if there’ll be thunder and lightening)
Andza hathleli (I shall not change my mind)
Ku khongela ndzilo tihlawulela  (I have decided to lead a prayerful life)


Hambi loko vanga hleka va thlela va phakatana (Even if people laugh and jeer at me )
Andza hathleli (I shall not change my mind)
Ku khongela ndzilo tihlawulela  (I have decided to lead a prayerful life)

NgLyrics Editor

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