Title: JOYOUS 9 – FREELINE By Sibusiso Buthelezi

Have you find a friend
Who’s faithful and true
Waiting on the freeline
To hear your cry
He’s on the freeline
To answer your praye
Just call Him
He’ll be there on time

Jesus the Savior
He’s the great I am
Draw unto Him
And He’ll draw unto you
O He sid He’s never too busy
Just call Him
He’ll be there on time

He’s on the freeline
To answer your prayer
He’s on the freeline
To hear your cry
He’s on the freeline
To answer your prayer
Just call Him
He’ll be there on time

You know what
He’s a friend
That sticks much closer than a brother
O indeed He’s just more than a friend
So don’t be afraid
To call when you need Him
Just reach unto Him (reach unto Him)
He’s waiting on the freeline


(Just call Him)
In the morning
In the evening
(Just call Him)
Don’t be afraid to give Him a shout
Just call Him
(Call Him)
For He is your Savior
The Savior
He is the Savior
He is the Savior
And He is the redeemer
(The redeemer)
Nobody can redeem your soul
But Jesus the redeemer
(The redeemer)
Come on, let’s call His name Jesus

Jesus, Jesus
You can cry unto him anytime

ALSO SEE  Sweet Jesus (Rose of Sharon) Lyrics by Mthunzi Namba

Just call Him
And He’ll be there on time

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