THETHELELA – JOYOUS 17 LYRICS By Siphumelele Mbambo

Ezulwini kuwe Baba
[In your heaven my God]
Ezulwini kuwe Baba
Akungeni zono khona
[Sins shall not enter]
Akungeni zono khona
Abayokhulek’ egameni leNkosi
[Those who call on the name of the Lord]
Abayokhulek’ egameni leNkosi
Bayakusindiswa uyasho umbhalo
[Shall be saved, the bible says so]
Bayakusindiswa uyasho umbhalo
Thethelela izono zethu
[Forgive us our sins]
Thethelela izono zethu
Namhla ngifayo ngophelela phi?
[When I die where shall I go?]
Namhla ngifayo ngophelela phi?
Yiyo lena intando yakho
[This is your will]
Yiyo lena intando yakho
Hosanna, hosanna phezulu
[Glory to the most high]
Hosanna, hosanna phezulu
Wamuhle, wamuhle Jehova
[Greater is you Jehovah]
Wamuhle, wamuhle Jehova

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  • thethelela lyrics
  • https://www nglyrics net/thethelela-joyous-17-lyrics-by-siphumelele-mbambo html

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