The Lord Shall Reign by Mississippi Mass Choir Full Lyrics

Song Tittle: The Lord Shall Reign

Artist: Mississippi Mass Choir


The Lord Shall Reign is an inspirational song recorded by Mississippi Mass Choir

The Full Lyrics


And he Shall Reign for ever and ever
All: And He shall Reign for ever and ever

Sopranos: And He Shall Reign for ever and ever
Alto/Tenor: And He shall/And He Shall/ For Ever and ever

-Musical Interlude-

And the King Shall Reign Forever More, Oh
And The King Shall Reign Forever More

Lead 1:
When Jesus Cracks The Sky,
The Dead in Christ shall rise
To Go Back With our Savior and live again

Lead 2:
And Yee who yet remain
In a twinkling we shall be changed to meet our Lord and Savior in the air, oh

And the King Shall Reign Forever More, Oh
And The King Shall Reign Forever More

(Repeat Leader’s verses)

And the King Shall Reign Forever More, Oh
And The King Shall Reign Forever More

ALSO SEE  The Throne Room by Mississippi Mass Choir Full Lyrics

When the first trumpet sound, they will get up off the ground to meet him in the air

And those who remain in a twinkling they will change to prepare our Lord toe Reign

And the King Shall Reign Forever More, Oh
And The King Shall Reign Forever More

He Shall Reign
He Shall Reign,Oh
He SHall Reign

Lift Up Your Heads, all yee saints
And the King of GLory Shall Come In!!!

(As Directed)


Lift up your heads!

The Video

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.