Thanks For Staying by Bishop T.D. Jakes Full Lyrics

Song Tittle: Thanks For Staying

Artist: Bishop T.D. Jakes



Verse 1:
When a shooting star falls
All the world looks in awe
It seems so amazing
but falling stars don’t shine
They have no place in the sky
We forget about the ones still hanging

Falling is easy
Standing takes strength
You have remained my star
And I want to thank you for staying
And not leaving for
Never taking the easy way out
For loving and always showing me
What being a father is all about

Verse 2:
I see you everywhere
You’re the old man in a chair
Sharing his wisdom
You’re the coach and the teacher
You’re the hero and leader
For ever will apply who you are
And what you’ve done


And you never left me though you could
And just like a mountain, you have stood
I’m holding onto maybe
Cause you stayed forever

You have remained my star
And I want to thank you
I want to thank you
Thank you for never leaving me
For loving and always showing me
What being a father is all about
For loving me
Always showing me
What being a father is all about
What a father is all about
What a father is all about

ALSO SEE  High In All Tha Earth by T.D. Jakes Full Lyrics


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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.