Stop The World by Tammy Trent Complete Lyrics

Song Tittle: Stop The World

Artist: Tammy Trent


The Full Lyrics

Now when I gaze upon the ocean
I look and try to find my smile
And the wind on my face always
Reminds me to breath

Memories come back as the sun falls
I remember chasing after you
Now I’ve captured your heart deep inside me
Finally I’m free

You’re my miracle of life
You’re everything I breathe
I wanna fall asleep in your eternity
So I let the winters fall spring the summer free
If the season is your love
Stop the world for me

Now when I wake up in the morning
My eyes have never been so clear
The gift that you were is now what I have to be
I see clearly

You’re my miracle of life
You’re everything I breathe
I wanna fall asleep in your eternity
So I let the winters fall spring the summer free
If the season is your love
Stop the world for me

ALSO SEE  At The Foot Of The Cross by Tammy Trent Full Lyrics

All the pain is not in vain
If there’s a change
I’ll never be never gonna be the same


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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.