Sweet Jesus (Rose of Sharon) Lyrics by Mthunzi Namba

Title: Sweet Jesus (Rose of Sharon)
Author: Mthunzi Namba
Language: English and Zulu

Sweet Jesus (Rose of Sharon) by Mthunzi Namba Full Lyrics

Oh sweet Jesus, I love you (More and More)
Love you more and more
Everytime you walk with me
Evevrytime you talk with me
You guideth me, all the way
Oh sweet Jesus, I love you
Love you more and more (Repeat)
(Refrain) + Ti wo wo… + (Refrain)
When I’m down, you pick me up
When I’m sad, you make me smile
Oh sweet Jesus, I love you
Love you more and more
You are the Rose of Sharon
The fairest of them all
You are everything my heart desires
You are fairer, much fairer
Than the lily that grows by the wayside
You are precious, more precious than gold
(Same verse in Zulu)
Uyimbali yaseSharon
Entle kunazo zonke
Uyikho konke engikudingayo
Uqhakazile, umuhle
Kunembali emilayo
Wena umuhle, kunegolide

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  • You are the rose of sharon
  • you are the rose of sharon lyrics
  • rose of sharon lyrics
  • sweet jesus lyrics
  • mthunzi namba sweet jesus lyrics
  • the rose of sharon lyrics
  • https://www nglyrics net/song-title-sweet-jesus-rose-of-sharon-lyrics-by-mthunzi-namba-jc-17 html
  • You are the rose of sharon music

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