Settle For Less by Khaya Mthethwa Lyrics and Video

Song Title: Settle For Less

Author: Khaya Mthethwa

Language: English

Settle For Less Full Lyrics

And we will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You
And we will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You

We will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You
We will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You

It’s in You Lord, It’s in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You
It’s in You Lord, It’s in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You

It’s in You Lord, It’s in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You
It’s in You Lord, It’s in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You

I wanna do things your way
Your way, your way, your way
Your way is our away

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We will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You
We will never settle for less
We know there is more that’s found in You

It’s in You Lord, It’s in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You
We are in You Lord, in You Lord
We know, there is more that’s found in You.

the Video

Lyrics found using:

  • lyrics of i can not settled fo less by Nathaniel Bassey