Oshimiri atata by Preye Odede Complete Lyrics

Song Title: Oshimiri Atata

Artist: Preye Odede


Oshimiri Atata (x4)

Verse 1:
Whenever I call You
You’re always there
As my source
Oshimiri Atata (The River That Never Runs Dry)

Whenever I’m in need
You will supply
My every need
Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

Whenever I’m broken
You’re there to heal me
As my healer
Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

Ooh ooh!
Oshimiri Atata
My everlasting God
Ooh ooh!
Oshimiri Atata

Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry) /4x

Verse 2:
Men may disappoint, Yes!
And people may fail me
You alone will stay
Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

The doctors may give up
And say it’s all over
In thee I put my trust, Yeah!
Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

Mountain mover
Way maker
Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

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Ooh ooh!
Oshimiri Atata
My everlasting God
Ooh ooh!
Oshimiri Atata

Repeat chorus

Oshimiri Atata
(The River That Never Runs Dry)

The Video


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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.