Oge Eruwo by Frank Edwards Lyrics and Video

SONG TITLE : Oge Eruwo

AUTHOR: Frank Edwards


Oge Eruwo By Frank Edwards Full Lyrics


Uhhmmm uhmmm eee
Iyee eee
ai ai ai
ewo ooo
ai ai ai uhmmm


Oge eruwo
Oge eruwo
Bia tuara Chukwunma mma
Oge eruwo


Though weeping may endure the night
But, joy comes in the morning
No, the delay is not denial
Jesus is always on time
He has done many things for me
He has done many things for you
so, come let us give Him praise
Maka oga eruwo

The time has come
The time has come


I can hear the crying of a baby now
(Oge eruwo)
I can see the lame walking now
(Oge eruwo)
I can see the cancer disappear
(Oge eruwo)
Ome mmgbe onyiri dibia
Ebube bia me k’isi eme
I can see you back on your feet again
Oge eruwo

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The Video

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  • oge eruwo by frank edward

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