Nyame Ye Lyrics by LIC Choir ft. Eugene Zuta

Onyame ye
(God is good)
Na n’adƆyε wƆ hƆ daa
(And his love endures forever)
Onyame ye
(God is good)
Na n’asεm nso mu tew
(And his word is true)
Firi owia puei kƆpem n’atƆyε
(From sunrise till sunset)
Onyame ye! Onyame ye! Oye ma me
(God is good; He’s good to me)


Sε nea OnyankropƆn dƆƆ wiase ni
(God so loved the world)
Sε Ɔde ne dƆba koro no mae de gye yεn nkwa
(That He gave His only son)
N’adƆyε so, na ne tumi so
(Great is His love, and his might)
Onyame ye! Onyame ye! Oye ma me
(God is good; He’s good to me)

Repeat Chorus
Call & Response:
Sε nea (Sε nea)
OnyankropƆn (NyankropƆn)

Si dƆƆ wiase ni
Sε Ɔde ne dƆba koro no mae de gye yεn nkwa
N’adƆyε so, na ne tumi so
Onyame ye! Onyame ye! Oye ma me
Oye ma me

Yesu, yεn Agyenkwa wo de wo nkwa to hƆ
(Jesus our saviour, You laid down your life)
Na w’ahwei wo mogya kronkron no ama yεn anya nkwa
(And shed your blood, and gave us eternal life)
W’adƆyε so, na wo tumi so
(Great is Your love, and your might)
Onyame ye! Onyame ye! Oye ma me
(God is good; He’s good to me)

Firi owia puei kƆpem n’atƆyε
Onyame ye! Onyame ye!
Onyame ye! Onyame ye!
Onyame ye! Onyame ye!
Oye ma me

Onyame ye! Onyame ye!
Oye ma me
Oye ma me

Song Notes: “Nyame Ye” is based on John 3:16. © 2011. Words and Music by Franklin Eleblu.L.I.C Choir (Ghana)

ALSO SEE  Thank You Lyrics by Kukuleta

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