No Other Name by Sinach Complete Lyrics

Song Title: No Other NAME

Artist: Sinach



No other name above the name of Jesus
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus
There’s no other name like Yours
In heaven, earth, beneath the earth
Every knee should bow to the name of Jesus, Jesus
No other name that heals all pain, Jesus
No other name gives peace of mind , Jesus
No other name that breaks stronghold, Jesus
No other name that gives me joy, Jesus!

Chorus 1:
There’s no other name like Yours
In heaven, earth, beneath the earth
Every knee should bow to the name of Jesus
There’s no other name like Yours
In heaven, earth, beneath the earth
Every knee should bow to the name of Jesus
Name of Jesus!
We worship You

Precious Jesus
You are the Great I Am
Precious Jesus
You are the morning star
Precious Jesus
You are the Prince of Peace
Precious Jesus
You are my everything!

Chorus 2:
No other name like Yours
In heaven, earth, beneath the earth
Every knee should bow to the name of Jesus
Oh, Jesus
No other name
No other name like Yours
In heaven, earth, beneath the earth

ALSO SEE  Simply Devoted to you by Sinach Lyrics

Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus

The Video

Thanks for visiting NEW AGE GOSPEL LYRICS. Have a great day.

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.