Themba lamathemba
Wena Thixo uluncedo
Sithandwa sentliziyo yam
Ndizinikela kuwe ndithathe
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
Amehlo am ajonge kuwe
Ndikhoselwe luthando nenceba yakho
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
O nguwe oluncedo lwami
Ndingaletha ntoni na
Kuwe Manqoba
Yobomi bam
Konke endinako
Kulawulwa nguwe hlengiwe
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
Amehlo am ajonge kuwe
Ndikhoselwe luthando nenceba yakho
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
O nguwe oluncedo lwami
Nguwe nguwe, nguwe nguwe
Nguwe nguwe, nguwe nguwe
Nguwe nguwe, nguwe
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
O nguwe oluncedo lwami
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
Amehlo am ajonge kuwe
Ndikhoselwe luthando nenceba yakho
Nguwe oluncedo lwami
O nguwe oluncedo lwami

NgLyrics Editor

NgLyrics Editor is the chief among the editorial team of New-age Gospel Lyrics. Our team is made up of dedicated believers around the world whose sole interest is promoting the gospel via songs, worship, messages and praise. You can join our team of contributors by sending us a contact request