My trust is in you by David G complete lyrics

Song Title: My trust is in you

Artist: David G



Lion of Judah
My trust is in You

Ancient of Days
My trust is in You

I am that I am God
My trust is in You

Lily of the valley
My trust is in You


eh , I put them all in You
My trust is in You

I put them all in You
My trust is in You
(repeat 2 times)

Verse 2

Isi ikendu
My trust is in You

Oyigiyigi Baba mi ooo
My trust is in You

Seriki duniya
My trust is in You

Speaking in Tongues
ah hum, ah hum ah hum
ah hum, ah hum ah hum

ah hum, ah hum ah hum
ah hum, ah hum ah hum

Verse 3

Master of the universe
My trust is in You

My miracle working God
My trust is in You

ALSO SEE  Lyrics to Adonai by Gospel

King of Glory
My trust is in You

Obadabada, my Father
My trust is in You


eh, I put them all in You
My trust is in You

I put them all in You
My trust is in You
(Repeat 2 times)

Kabiosi o baba o
My trust is in You

I put them all in You
(ah hu ah hu ah hu)
My trust is in You
(Repeat 3 times)

The Video

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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.