MY HELP – JOYOUS REWIND 2011 LYRICS By Mahalia Buchanan

I will lift up mine eyes to the hills
from whence cometh my help,
my help cometh from the Lord,
the Lord which made Heaven and Earth.

He said He would not suffer thy foot,
thy foot to be moved;
the Lord which keepeth thee,
He will not slumber nor sleep.

For the Lord is thy keeper,
The Lord is my shade
Upon thy right hand,
upon thy right hand.

For the sun shall not smite thee by day,
Nor the moon by night,
He shall preserve thy soul
Even forever more.

My help, my help, my help,
All of my help
Cometh from the Lord

Said I know that it cometh
Said I know where it comes from
He’s my only help
In the middle of the wheel
Said God I depend on you
Said God I trust in you
Said God I hope in you
Said God I cast all my cares
And all my burdens on you
For God I know that you will keep me
You’ll keep me father
And God I just wanna thank you
I just wanna thank you for being my help


Lift up your eyes unto the hills
Lift up your eyes unto the hills

Ooh ohoho
Ooh ohoho

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