Mighty Man of War by Jimmy d Psalmist Complete Lyrics

Song Title: Mighty Man of War

Artist: Jimmy d Psalmist




Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah
We bow down and worship you
Yahweh Yahweh, come and do what only you can do

You are the God that killeth and also make alive
You’re the Lion yet you are the Lamb of God
Yahweh Yahweh, come and do what only you can do
You are my glory and the lifter of my head
Demons tremble at the mention of your name ooh
God of thunder, you’re the God of fire
Come and do what only you can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah
We bow down and worship you
Yahweh Yahweh, come and do what only you can do

You’re the father to the fatherless
You’re the mother to the motherless
The husband to the widow
The help to the helpless
My healer, you’re my deliverer
Come and do what only you can do
You’re the way maker
You’re the mountain mover
You raise the death and make the barren fruitful
Yahweh Yahweh come and do what only you can do
Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh
Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh
Come and do what only you can do

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Yahweh, we call you by your name
Nobody can do the things you do
Yahweh Yahweh come and do what only you can do
Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh
Come and do what only you can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah
We bow down and worship you
Yahweh Yahweh, come and do what only you can do

The Video


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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.