Mèèba Lala Lyrics by Nii Okai

Mèèba lala bè mida lèñ?
Mèèba midaa Nyônmô shi
Shi minibii fèè-kwa mli lè
Mina bôni emli hi
Suômô sôôñ kèkè yô emli
Ena mihe tsui dada
Ehièmi, miyi eba
Enokwale lè bè naagbee

Nibii fèè yè naagbee ko
Nyônmô suômô, daa eyôô

Okropôn kè efijii lè
Ha ebibii lè anô
Nakai mi-Nyônmô lè nine
Ha mi hu, ebi lè, nô
Beni miyô minyè musuñ
Ni efã akè miba
Kè-ba ñmènè gbi nè lè
Efe môbônalô tuutu

Ebi krônn lè jra waa haalè
Ekè-haa yè mihewo
Ni eñô ela krônkrôn lè
Ejiem’ yè daa la lèn po.
Nyônmô, osuômô le fa tsô
Ni mimumô ni gbede
Kè ejwèèn no aahu lè
Nyèèn emlikwôlè lè ena

Song Notes: This song is the Ga translation/rendition of Paul Gerhardt’s classic hymn “As the eagle fondly hovers”

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  • https://www nglyrics net/meeba-lala-lyrics-by-nii-okai html

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