Mabala onke (All my Stains) – A Hymn sung by Ntokozo Mbambo

Song 1 (Here) | Song 2
(Sung in Zulu – A Hymn)
Mabala onke nkosi yam’ (All my stains my Lord)
Awungcolisa umoya wam’ (When my soul is dirty)
Ngihlanze kuwo namhlanje (Purify me today)
Ungenze ngikufuze ke (Let me be like You)
Ngihlanze emoyeni wam’ (Purify my soul)
Mangibethelw’uqobo lwam’ (Let me have only Your best)
Senginikele konk’okwam’ (I give all I have)
Kuwe Kuwe Kuwe (To You, to You, to You)

Kuwe Baba Ngibek’ ithemba lam (To You father; I place my trust) (x3)

Thula wazi NginguThixo (Be still and know, I am the Lord) (x?)

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