Lyrics – Solid Rock by Uche Agu

Song Title: Solid Rock
Author: Uche Agu

Lyrics in English 

Hallelujah, hallelujah, Oh hallelujah
You’re my solid rock, and my salvation; No one but you
You’re my present help, in times of trouble; I will praise you

 Lyrics in Igbo 

Agam e buru Aleluya e buru (I will lift up my praise)
Para Aleluya para, (I will praise Hallelujah in song)
Agam e buru Aleluya bugara Chineke (I’ll lift up my praise to the Lord)
Otua ka Chineke m di e (This is how my God is)
Agidigba e, Agidigba e (He is mighty! He is mighty!)
Otua ka Chineke m sha tom e (This is how amazing my God is)
Agidigba e, Agidigba e (He is mighty! He is mighty!) (Repeat)

Refrain Lyrics in Swahili

Pamoja x4 na Yesu! (Together x4 with Jesus)
Teremka, teremka x4 (Go down/ Descend)
Panda, panda x4 (Ascend)
Hallelujah, hallelujah, Oh hallelujah

The Video 

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  • solid rock lyrics by uche
  • solid rock uche lyrics
  • uche agu solid rock lyrics
  • solid rock uche agu lyrics
  • agidigba lyrics
  • Solid Rock by Uche Lyrics
  • Uche solid rock
  • https://www nglyrics net/lyrics-solid-rock-by-uche-agu html

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