Ko Soba Bire By  Chidinma Ekile  Full Lyrics and Video 


SONG TITLE: Ko soba bire

AUTHOR: Chidinma Ekile


Ko Soba Bire By  Chidinma Ekile  Full Lyrics 


Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Eleru Niyin, Alagbawi Eda’O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Aduro Tini, Lojo Iponju Mi O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Oran Ni Nise, Atu Sini Lo O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)

Chorus – Translation
On Earth and in Heaven
There’s no King like You
Fearful in Praise, our Advocate
Our Help in days of Trouble
Always going before Us

Verse 1
Gbigbe Ga, Loruko Re
Tito Bi, Loruko Baba
Talaba Fi Owe, Ekun Oko Pharaoh
Hossana Iwo Lo Peye
Oforun Nikan, Se Kiki Da Wura
Ogba Mi Lowo Ota Aye Mi O
Ose O, Kosoba Biire

Verse 1 – Translation

Your name is Lifted High
My Father’s name is Highly Exalted
None Compare to the Lion
That Dealt with Pharaoh
Hossana, You’re Worthy of Praise
You Endowed the Heaven with Gold
You Delivered me
From the Enemies of my Life
Thank You, there’s no King like You

ALSO SEE  Ko su wa lati ma ko orin ti igbani ....... Yoruba hymn

Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Eleru Niyin, Alagbawi Eda’O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Aduro Tini, Lojo Iponju Mi O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Oran Ni Nise, Atu Sini Lo O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)

Verse 2
Olugbega Mi, Atoba Tele
Oluwasanmi, Awe Maye Hun
Onibu Ola, Ola yan Turu
Atobiloba, Adi Ma Se Tu
Mojuba Fun Alada Wura
Mo Kira Fun Oba Aye Mi O
Ose O, Kosoba Biire

Talaba Fi Owe, Ekun Oko Pharaoh
Hossana Iwo Lo Peye
Oforun Nikan, Se Kiki Da Wura
Ogba Mi Lowo Ota Aye Mi O
Ose O, Kosoba Biire

Verse 2 – Translation
My Defender, the Greatest King
Healer, who does what he Says
Full of Honor, Honor in Abundance
Great in Honor, Full of Mystery
I Bow to the King of Glory
Hail the King of my Life
Thank You, there’s no King like You

None Compare to the Lion
That Dealt with Pharaoh
Hossana, You’re Worthy of Praise
You Endowed the Heaven with Gold
You Delivered me
From the Enemies of my Life
Thank You, there’s no King like You

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Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Eleru Niyin, Alagbawi Eda’O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Aduro Tini, Lojo Iponju Mi O
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)
Oran Ni Nise, Atu Sini Lo O, Ose
(Laye Lorun Kosoba Biire)

The Video