Joyous Celebration 22 (All for You Full Album) lyrics and video

Joyous Celebration is a South African gospel choir sponsored by one of the African’s biggest telecom company – MTN; thus, sometimes, the choir is being referred to as MTN Joyous Celebration.

This glorious choir started in 1994 and has so far completed 22 albums; the albums are numerically named, so, Joyous Celebration 22 is the latest release from this South African gospel choir. However, this album is code named “All of You”.

Joyous Celebration 22 (All for You) Lyrics and Videos

Come along with me as I share the Joyous 22 lyrics and the official YouTube videos to all the songs that are contained in this Joyous Celebration 22 album release.

1. Umoya Kulendawo

Ukungena kwami
Ngeke’fane nok’phuma kwam’
Ngob’ umoya kaJehova
Ukulendawo (Repeat)

Kunjani weBangcwele
Laph’ omunye efakaza?
Omunye uyaqiniswa
Kuvuswe nokholo lwakhe

Kanti kunjani weBangcwele
Laph’ omunye eshumayela?
Isoni siyabuyiswa
Sithokoze nabangcwele

Izilimi kuyahunyuswa
Siyathola nemfihlakalo
Ngay’ umoya kaJehova
Okulendawo (Repeat)

Amadimoni ayabaleka
Kuyaphiliswa nezinhlungu
Ngay’ umoya kaJehova
Okulendawo (Repeat)

Inkinga ziyoshabalala
Ubuhlungu bami buyosuswa
Ngob’ umoya kaJehova


Inkinga ziyoshabalala
Ubuhlungu bami buyosuswa
Ngob’ umoya kaJehova
Ukulendawo (Repeat)

Ngob’ umoya kaJehova
Ukulendawo (Repeat x4)

Inkinga ziyoshabalala
Ubuhlungu bami buyosuswa
Ngob’ umoya kaJehova
Ukulendawo (Repeat)


2. Modimo Ke Lerato

Lege oka rapela ka maleme
Ge osena lerato o tlago shupa mmuso wa modimo
Ware rikhaboxi rikhaboxi yande
O Rapela enge na osena Lerato
A re rataneng, a re rataneng

Modimo ke lerato a re rataneng
A re hakaneng, a re hakaneng
Modimo ke lerato a re hakaneng

Ware Ra! ra! ra! ra!
O Rapela enge na osena Lerato?
Ware Ri! ri! ri! ri!
O Rapela enge na osena Lerato?
Ware Rondo rondo rondo
O Rapela enge na osena Lerato?
Ware rama! rama! rama! rama!
O Rapela enge na osena Lerato?


3. Zuliphathe Kahle (Usuliphathe kahle)


Usuliphathe kahle lelivangeli x4
(We carefully carry the gospel)

Ujesu walifela (For Jesus died for)
Amaqhawe akhos’ balishumayel’
(That the King’s warriors would preach it)
Usuliphathe kahle lelivangeli
(You gently carry the gospel) (Repeat)


4. Wenzile

Wenzile okuhle kodwa
Empilweni yami yonke
Malibongwe, Malibongwe
Ooh Malibongwe igama leNkosi
(Repeat 2x)

Wezwa ukukhala kwami
Wangikhipa elushini olunzima
Wangibheka edwaleni
Wangishiya neculo elisha

Wenzile okuhle kodwa
Empilweni yami yonke
Malibongwe, Malibongwe
Ooh Malibongwe igama leNkosi

Wezwa ukukhala kwami
Wangikhipa elushini olunzima
Wangibheka edwaleni
Wangishiya neculo elisha


5. Jehovah

This joy that i have
The world can’t take it away
The world can’t take it away
From me

Jehovah you are so good to me
You are so good
Yahweh you are so good to me

So goood
So good
So good

This peace
The world can’t take it way
The world can’t take it away
The world can’t take it away
From me

This praise
The world can’t take it away
The world can’t take it away
From me

This praise
The world can’t take it away
The world can’t take it away
From me

This love
The world can’t take it away
The world can’t take it away
From me

Aaah Oooh


6. Bazovuma

Sithi ngenhla nangezansi
(All of us from Highlands)
Ngehla nangenzas’
(from the highlands to the lowlands) .

(They will accept Amen)
Vum’u Amen
(proclaim Amen)
Bazoy’shaya lengoma
(To the beat of this song) .

E bergville emangwaneni
(From the emangwaneni in bergville)
(They will accept Amen)
Vum’u Amen
(proclaim Amen)
Bazoy’shaya lengoma
(To the beat of this song) .

Kwazulu enatal
(To kwazulu natal)
(They will accept Amen)
Vum’u Amen
(proclaim Amen)
Bazoy’shaya lengoma
(To the beat of this song) .

Ngish’Egoli egauteng
(I say from Johannesburg in gauteng)
(They will accept Amen)
Vum’u Amen
(proclaim Amen)
Bazoy’shaya lengoma
(To the beat of this song) .

E limpompo egiyani
(To giyani in Limpopo)
(They will accept Amen)
Vum’u Amen
(proclaim Amen)
Bazoy’shaya lengoma
(To the beat of this song) .

Ngiyakuthanda moyo ongcwele
(I love you Holly spirit)
Ngiyakuthanda (I love you) ×2 .

Ngizoshumeyela ngawe
(I will preach about you)
Ngob’uyamangalisa wena
(for you are amazing) .

Wamuhle moya×2
(He (The spirit) is good)
Wamuhle moya ongcwele
(The Holly spirit is good)


7. Ngiyavuma

Umoya wam’ uyavuma uthi yebo (oh) Nkosi (My heart admits saying “Yes Lord”)
Yebo kuWena mnini mandla onke (Yes You are the Almighty)
Ngiyavuma, Ukusetjenziswa nguwe (I consent, to be used by You)
Uselibatshazw’ Igama Lakho (To proclaim Your name) (Repeat)

Injongo yam’ kukukhonza, wena wedwa (My purpose is to serve You alone)
Nokhuzi nikelela njengomhla tshelo (And to offer myself as a sacrifice)
Ukusetyenziswa ngokh’ uthandwa nguwe (Use me as it pleases You)
Baba ngiyavuma (Father I accept)


Ngiyavum’ ngiyavuma (I accept) x2
Baba Ngiyavuma (Father I accept) (Repeat)


8. Uyaphendula

(Nawa Neentaba Zonke nje zingihaqile,
Ihlathi nobumnyama zizama ukungigubungela,
Kodwa ngizophikelela,
Noba sekunyukela,
Ngoba Izwi Lakho Likhany’ Indlela Yam’)

Ndizokukhangela Nide Ndikufumane,
(Yehova) Yehov’ uyi-
(Uyinto YONKE KUM’) -nto YONKE KUM’,
(Ndizokhangela Wena Yesu) Ndizokukhangela
(Nide Ndikufumane Yesu Wami) Nide Ndikufumane,
(Yehova) Yehova uyi-
(Uyinto YONKE KUM’) -nto YONKE KUM’!

(Yes! Lord! Njengendluzela yomel’ amanz’ okuphila,
Kanjalo umoya wami ulangazelela Wena,
Yesu Nganelise ngawo – Yebo! Law’ amanzi,
Mandisele kuwo – Ndigcine ikunaphakade!

Ndizokukhangela Nide Ndikufumane,
(Yehova) Yehova uyi-
(Uyinto YONKE KUM’) -nto YONKE KUM’,
(Ndizokhangela Wena Yesu)
(Nide Ndikufumane Yesu Wami)
Nide Ndikufumane,
(Yehova) Yehova uyi-
(Uyinto YONKE KUM’) -nto YONKE KUM’!

(Ndingasuka Ndiyephi na Yesu?) Ndingasuka Ndiyephi,
(Uma Ndisuka Kuwe) Uma Ndingasuka Kuwe,
(Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila Yesu) Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila,
(Afumaneka Kuwe!) Afumaneka Kuwe!

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(Yesu! Ndingahamba Ndiyephi Na?) Ndingasuka Ndiyephi,
(Ndizohamb’ Umhlaba wonke) Uma Ndisuka Kuwe,
(Yebo! Ndikhangelana Nawe –
Yebo! Ndikhangelana Nawe) Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila,
(Ubuso Bakho) Afumaneka (Yeah! Lord!) Kuwe!

(Yeah! Jesu Ndingasuka Ndiyephi?)
Ndingasuka Ndiyephi (Yebo! Jesu)
(Ndingasuka Ndiyephi Na?)
Uma Ndisuka Kuwe,
(Yebo! Yebo! Yebo! Yebo!
Amazwi Okuphila Kwami Jesu)
Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila,
Afumaneka Kuwe!

(Umhlaba Wonke Ndizohamba Yesu)
Ndingasuka (Ndizohamba Yesu) Ndiyephi,
(Ndikhangelana Nawe) Uma
Ndisuka (Yeah! Eh Eh! Yeah! Eh! Eh!) Kuwe,
(Ngob’ Amazwi) Ngob’
Amazwi (Okuphila Kwami) Okuphila,
(Okuphila Kwami) Afumaneka Kuwe!

(Ngiyaphila Kuwe – Ndiyahamba Kuwe,
Ndiyaphila Yesu – Nd’ Yabulel’ Uthando Lwakho,
Namandla NoBukhosi – Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila Kwami,
Afumaneka Kuwe Yeah!

Ndingasuka Ndiyephi,
Uma Ndisuka Kuwe,
Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila Kwami,
Fumaneka Kuwe Yeah!

Ndingasuka Ndiyephi,
Uma Ndisuka Kuwe,
Ngob’ Amazwi Okuphila Kwami,
Fumaneka Kuwe!)


9. Atawale

Wenzile okuhle kodwa (He has done great things)
Empilweni yami yonke (All the days of life)
Malibongwe! malibongwe! (Praise! Praise!)
Oh Malibongwe igama leNkosi
(Oh, praise the Name of the Lord)

Wezwa ukukhala kwami (He heard my cry)
Wangikhipha obishini olunzima (He took me out of muddy pit)
Wangibeka edwaleni (He placed me on a Rock)
Wangishiya neculo elisha (And left me with a new song)


10. Uyinqaba

Anginaw’ Amanda (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Okuma ngokwami (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Mina ngithemb’ uJesu (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Yen’ uyinqaba yami (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Uphakeme (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Uthembekile(UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Mina ngithemb’ uJesu (UJesu uyinqaba yami)
Yen’ uyinqaba yami (UJesu uyinqaba yami)


11. Bambelela

Uhambile emhlabeni
ubonile zonk’zehlo
ulimele ukhathele-awunakuthula
bika konke enkosini
ufune njalo ubuso bakhe
ungabheki ngasemuva
qhubekela ekujuleni
ufune njalo ubuso bakhe
ungabheki ngasemuva-hlal’ezinyaweni
mfune njalo ungashalazi
yiba yibo ubufukazi
bokuth’ujesu uyaphila
futhi ngek’akushiye

bambelela qinisela bekezela konke
kuzolunga bhek’ithemba lakho kuye njalo
hlala njalo themba njalo khuleka njal’ubaba
ulalele ulindele ukukhala kwakho

ngik’xoxole ke
ngiyhambile nay’eyami
ngidlulile kokunzima
ngalimala ngadangala-kwaphelukutha
wena wedwa wangisiza wangikipha obishini
yena yedwa usizo lwakho la lungavela khona
ngasemuva uhluleka isimo sakho sibophele
biz’ujesu umsindisi-akahlulwa yilutho
unamandla uyaphila isihlangu sakho sokuvika
futhi kuye sikhuselwe ngakho ka mthemba njalo

qinisela -qinisela
bekezela -bekezela
uzophumelela njalo


12. Busa

Busa Jesu busa. Busa impilo yami
Busa Jesu busa. Busa impilo yami

Mayenzeke intando Yakho. Busa yon’ impilo yami.
Mayenzeke intando Yakho. Busa yon’ impilo yami.

Ngeqiniso ngiyavuma, uyiNkosi yami
Ngeqiniso ngiyavuma, uyiNkosi yami

Busa Nkosi yami, busa Nkosi yami.
Ngeqiniso ngiyavuma.

Mayenzeke intando Yakho. Busa yon’ impilo yami.
Mayenzeke intando Yakho. Busa yon’ impilo yami.


13. Kuwe

Nqaba yokuphephela kwam’ (My shield and my refuge)
Kuphepha kwam’kukuwena (My safety is in You)
Siqalo nesiphetho sam’ (My beginning and the end)
Mlomo ongaqambi manga (The Tongue that utters no lies)

Refrain 1:
Sendlala indumiso, Kuwe (We bring our worship, to You)
Mdala wezinsuku, Kuwe (Ancient of Days, to You)
Malusi omuhle, Kuwe (Beautiful Shepherd, to You)
Themba lamathemba, Kuwe (Hope of all hopes, to You)
Akekh’ofaniswa nawe (There is none compared to You)

Refrain 2:
UbuKhosi nobungqongqoshe (The Kingdom and Glory)
Buyohlala bungoBakho (Will be Yours forever)
Inkazimulo nawo Amandla (The Glory and the power)
Usinike ngegama Lakho! (You granted us by Your Name) (Repeat)

Mlil’oqothulayo (Consuming fire)
Mandla kawapheli (Unfailing power)
My Strong Tower
Lord You Reign Forever More
Akekh’onjeNgawe (There is none compared to You)
Uyasabeka! Ngonyama (Receive Glory, King)

(Refrain 1 + Refrain 2)

Ohh… Kuwe! Kuwe! (Oh, to You!)

Malusi omuhle, Kuwe! (Beautiful Shepherd, to You)
Themba lamathemba, Kuwe! (Hope of all hopes)
Sendlala indumiso, Kuwe! (We bring our worship, to You)
Mdala wezinsuku, Kuwe! (The Ancient of Days, to You)

UbuKhosi nobungqongqoshe (The Kingdom and Glory)
Buyohlala bungoBakho (Will be Yours forever)
Inkazimulo nawo Amandla (The Glory and the power)
Usinike ngegama Lakho! (You granted us by Your Name) (Repeat)


14. Akakho Qha

Uphi umhlobo onje ngoJesu
Akakho qha, akakho qha
Ingaphilis’ izinhlungu zethu
Akakho qha, akakho qha

Uyazaz’ izinhlungu[izinsizi] zethu
Kwaye ziyakuphela, phela nya
Uphi umhlobo, yebo onje ngoJesu
Akakho qha, akakho qha

Hay’ hay’ hay’ hay’
Angimbonanga, akakho qha

Akakho qha, akakho qha
Akakho qha, akakho qha

Akakho qha (Yebo akakho qha)
Akakho qha

Akekho akhekho, akekho.
Akakho qha

15. Kelaolwa keMoya

Kelaolwa kemoya
ketsamayiswa kemoya
Kelaolwa kemoya

moya Nnete
kemoya matla
kemoya jeso

Kelaolwa kemoya
ketsamayiswa kemoya
Kelaolwa kemoya

moya Nnete
kemoya matla
kemoya jeso


16. Hallowed

Confidently calling You my healer
Confidently calling You my savior
Confidently calling You a loving God
You are God, You are God

Confidently calling You a waymaker
Confidently calling You a loving God
Confidently calling You a savior
You are God, You are God

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Be unto God, King of kings
Glory and honour,
Wisdom and power
Be unto God, King of kings.

Let all creation bow, heaven and Earth proclaim
That You are the risen King
Hallowed, hallowed be Your name

The King of glory, Mighty in battle
The King of glory, Mighty in battle


17. Naphakade

Ndidinga wena
Ndinxanelwe wena

Ndikhangela wena Yesu
Mthombo wokuphila kwam’

Ndidinga wena
Ndinxanelwe wena

Ndikhangela wena Yesu
Mthombo wokuphila kwam

18. Lentsu La Gago

As For Me and My House,
We’ll Serve You Lord,
You Are Worthy To Be Praised!
I’m giving You my mind, my heart,
My Soul!
You Are Worthy To Be Praised.

As For Me and My House,
We’ll Serve You Lord,
You Are Worthy To Be Praise!
I’m giving You my mind – My Soul,
My Everything!
You Are Worthy To Be Praised!

Morena, Morena, Morena,
Ke Tla Dula Ke Go Tumisa Jwalo!

O Morena Wa Marena,
Lentsu La Gago Ke Lesedi!

Wena Wa Tsamaya Le Rena,
Tseleng Tse Boima,
Lentsu La Gago Ke Lesedi,

Lentsu La Gago Ke Lesedi,
Lentsu La Gago Ke Lesedi!

Le A Fodisa – Le A Phidisa,
Lentsu La Gago Ke Lesedi,
Le Fodisa Malwetsi – Le Phidisa Ditjhaba,
Lentsu La Gago!
Lentsu La Gago!
Lentsu La Gago!


19. This is Love

Eyes can’t see the way You hold me
Or how I’m hidden in Your heart
Minds don’t know all that You’ve told me
Or how I ache for where You are
It’s invisible to the world
Incredible to the angels
Not since Eden have they seen this sight
Everlasting life

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All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.

Eyes can’t see the way You hold me
Or how I’m hidden in Your heart
Minds don’t know all that You’ve told me
Or how I ache for where You are
It’s invisible to the world
Incredible to the angels
Not since Eden have they seen this sight
Everlasting life
All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.
(Modulate) All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.

I come in empty
I leave filled
Bring my sickness
I leave healed

You mend every piece
Come entangled
I leave free

All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.

All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.

All over
You are around, you are
This is life, this is life.

To come in empty
But every time you fill me
I bring my sickness
I leave healed
When I’m broken hearted
You mend every piece
I come entangled by the enemy
But I leave free


20. Speak to Me

Guide me, Father guide me
Lead me to thy cross
Where I will receive my help
My help had cometh from You Lord

Speak to me, O’ Lord
And let me hear Your words in me
Speak to me, O’ Lord
And let me hear Your words in me

Save me O’ God
I’m sinking in deep mire
There’s no solid ground
The water is drowning me


21. Ndim Lo

Ndim lo, ndim lo
Ndim lo Yesu ndiza phambi kwakho
[He I am, coming before You, Jesus]
Ndim lo, ndim lo
Ndim lo Yesu ndiza phambi kwakho

Ndim lo ndiyalila
[Here I am, crying]
Ndim lo ndifuna wena
[Here I am, longing for you]
Ndim lo, ndim lo
Ndim lo Yesu ndiza phambi kwakho

Umoya wam ufuna wena
[My soul longs for you]
Nentliziyo yami yonke
[And so does my heart]
(Ndim lo phambi kwakho Yesu)
O Yehovah, ndifuna wena wedwa
[I want you alone]
Undilond’ imihla yonke
[To keep me safe all the days of my life]
(Ndim lo phambi kwakho Yesu)


22. Okuhle Nomusa

Goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever
Goodness and mercy shall follow me

Okuhle nomusa kuyangilandela
Yonk’ imihla yokuphila kwami
Okuhle nomusa kuyangilandela
Yonk’ imihla yokuphila kwami

Ngizohlala endlwini kaJehova njalo
Okuhle nomusa kuyangilandela.

Njalo, njalo, njalo njalo.
Okuhle nomusa kuyangilandela.


24. Angiyi Ndawo

25. Jeso oa tla

Batla mona, bamoratang Jeso
Batla mona, bamoratang Jeso
Jeso oa tla, oa tla Jeso
Jeso oa tla, oa tla Jeso

Hake nale Jeso nkaya kae le kae
Hake nale Jeso nkaya kae le kae
Oh! Modimo oana
Eh! Modimo oana

Jeso o lefika la lichaba
Jeso depelo li hoena
Oh! Modimo oana
Eh! Ke batla ho bona Modimo oana

Modimo oana (Aheh! Modimo oana)
Seke batla ho bona Modimo oana (Aheh! Modimo oana)


26. Khanimamba

mina ndza n’wi rhandza yeso
(i love jesus)

ekuya etilweni
(to enter heaven)
answi lavi mali swi lava mintirho
(doesn’t require money but good works)

unga vuli hinomo ntsena leswaku
un’wana wa xikwembu
(don’t merely say with your mouth that you are God’s child)
unga vuli hinomo ntsena leswaku wan’wi rhandza
(don’t merely say that you love Him)

xana wena wan;wi rhandza yeso
(do you love jesus)
(exclamation for celebration)


27. Amagama Medley

28. Olefika

O Lefika la ditjhaba (You are the rock of Nations)
Moemedi wa rona (Our defender)
O Lefika la ditjhaba (You are the rock of Nations)
Jeso fela (Only Jesus)

Ah, Moemedi wa ditjhaba (The defender of nations)
Ah, Moemedi wa rona (Our defender)
Jeso, fela (Jesus alone)

Ha ke batle letho (I do not want anything else)
Ke batla Morena fela (I want only the Lord)
Mathata a rona (Our situations)

Nna ke tshepile wena (I put my trust in You)
Morena o lefika la rona (Lord, you are our Rock)
Nna ke tshepile wena (I trust you)
Morena o lerato (Lord, you are Love)


29. The Lord’s Prayer

30. Mawa Neentaba

Mawa neeNtaba
(Valleys and mountains)
Zonke nje zindi rhangqhile
(They all surround me)
Hlathi nobumnyama
(Forests and darkness)
Zizam’ukundi gubungela
(They’re trying to overwhelm me)
Kodwa ndizophikelela
(Yet I will persist)
Noba sekunyukela
(Even though it’s an uphill climb)
Ngoba izwi Lakho
( Because your Word)
Likhanyis’indlela yam
(Brightens up my way)

(I’ll search for you)
Ndize ndikufumane
(Until I find you)
Yehov’uyinto yonke Kum
(Jehovah you’re everything to me)
Njenge ndluzela
(As the deer)
(Thirsty for living waters)
Kanjalo uMoya Wam
(So my soul)
Ulangazelela Wena
(Longs for You)
Yesu ndanelise ngawo lawomanzi
(Jesus quench my thirst)
Mandisele Kuwo
(Let me drink from them)
Ndiphile phakade
(And live eternally)

Ndingasuka ndiyephi
(Where could I go)
Uma ndisuka kuWe
(If I go from you)
Ngob’amazwi okuphila
(Because Words of Life)
Afumaneka Kuwe
(Are found in You)


31. All For You Poem

Imela ogaga – Imela onyama,
Imela Chineke – China Chirem,
Imela odoku akadaka,
Mighty Warrior!

In Zimbabwe they give You ALL the Praise,
In Shona they say;
Tinotenda Mwari,
Samasimba – Samatenga,
Tinotenda Chingaramatongo,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The Whole World is Giving You the Praise,
Giving Thanks to Your Name!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

In #SouthAfrica they Thank You,
In #SeSotho they say:
Rea Leboga Modimo wa Matjaba,
Kgosi wa di Kgosi,
Morena wama Marena!

The #Xhosa say:
Siyabulela Madida – Dwala laphakade,
Kumkani yokumkani – Camagu Mnini Mandla ONKE!

Onke #Amazulu athi:
Siyabonga Nkulunkulu Mhlengi wethu,
Myeni wabafelokazi – Mqalisi nomphelelisi!

Hallelujah! The Whole World is Giving You the Praise
in different languages in Africa, Nigeria All over the World..


Wrap Up:

These are the whole songs that are released in the award-winning Joyous Celebration 22 album. We have provided the full lyrics of the songs alongside their official videos. Which among them is your favorite? Let’s hear from you.

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.