Jesus You be King Lyrics by TB1 (The Blessed One)

Jesus you be king oh! You be oga 4x
You never let me fail, You be oga
Always give me blessing oh! You be oga
forever you go reign, You be oga
You give me blessing oh! You be oga
Verse 1
Can a man with ten million soldiers be afraid when he goes to war
If God be for you my people do you think you can ever fall
Satan dey make plans but baba God don put you on top
Up, up we go baba God we no go let you go
From today go the rest of your life
No more problems but rest of mind
So when you walk to the shadow of death
Always say this to yourself

Sub chorus
No matter what the devil do
No matter what he may do
No matter what the devil do
No matter what he may do
Verse 2
Can’t you see God loves you
So no matter what they do they can’t hurt you
Satan want to steal from you but he can’t
Cos the Lord God stand by you
Follow Jesus he is the truth
He’s the rock that can never be moved
I put my faith in the rock of ages
Baba has replacing was Satan has stolen
From today go the rest of your life
No more problems but rest of mind
So when you walk through the shadow of death
Always say this to yourself

Sub chorus

Verse 3
Can’t you see that he loves dearly that’s the reason he died for you
He won’t let any bad thing happen to you cos you’re his boo, boo, boo
Your girlfriend might runaway
Your boyfriend might runaway
Your mama and papa might runaway
But my Jesus will always stay
From today go the rest of your life
No more problems but rest of mind
So when you walk through the shadow of death
Always say this to yourself

Sub chorus

Jesus you be king oh! You be oga 4x

Lyrics found using:

  • Tb1 jesus you be king

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