Uyingcwele Simakade
[You’re holy Almighty]
Uyingcwele Simakade
Uyingcwele Simakade
Uyingcwele Simakade

Wena wafela aboni bomhlaba
[You died for the sinners of the earth]
Wena wazisa izizwe iindaba
[You brought good news to the nations]
Sikhothama kuwe sibonga wena
[We bow before you thanking you]
Siguqa kuwe
[We kneel before you]
Uyingcwele Simakade
Uyingweletshetshe yakwaSirayeli
[You’re a hero from Israel]
Uliliwa laphakade
[Rock of ages]
Sikhothama kuwe sibonga wena
Siguqa kuwe
Uyingcwele Simakade

Umkhulu uyesabeka
[You’re great yet we’re afraid of you]
Ubizwa naziingxangxasi
[Cataracts are even calling on You]
Uyingcwele Simakade
Uyingcwele Simakade

Thiwowo thiwowowo
Thiwowo thiwowowo

NgLyrics Editor

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