Igwe by Midnight Crew Full Lyrics


Kosobabire (There’s no king like you)
Kosi Baba bire (There’s no father like you)
Ko ma s’Olorun bi ire (There’s no God like you)

Igwe! (Your Majesty)

E ba mi gb’Olorun tobi (Magnify the Lord with me)

Oba nla oba to ga (Great King, Mighty King)

E ba mi gb’Olorun tobi (Magnify the Lord with me)

Edumare oba to ga (Great King, Mighty King)
Igwe (Oh King!) (4x)

Kosobabire (There’s no king like you)
Laye at’orun (In heaven and on earth)
Ko ma s’Olorun bire (There’s no God like you)

Igwe!! (Your Majesty!)
Kosoba bire (There’s no king like you)
Ko si baba bi re (In heaven and on earth)
Ko ma s’Olorun bire (There’s no God like you)
Igwe! (Your Majesty!!)

E ba mi gbolorun tobi(Magnify the Lord with me)

Oba nla oba to ga(Great King, Mighty King)

E ba mi gbolorun tobi(Magnify the Lord with me)

ALSO SEE  God Of Power (Ikem o,) By Osinachi Nwachukwu Full Lyrics and Video

Edumare oba to ga (Great King, Mighty King)
Igwe! (Your Majesty!)(4x)

Eze ndi eze (King of Kings)
Idi egwu (You are too much)
Onye n’abia ozo (The soon coming King)
Idi egwu (You are too good)
Onye dika gi (Who is like thee)
Onye dika Chukwu (Who is like God)
Omalicha (Beautiful God)
Agu neche mba ONE (The no 1 great warrior that watches the city)

Bulieya (Lift him higher)
Elu (Higher)
Bulie Jesus (Lift Jesus high)
Elu (Higher)
Bia Bulie ya (Come lift him him higher)
Elu (Higher)
Bulie Jesus (Lift Jesus High)
Elu (Higher)

Igwe (Your Majesty!!!!!!)

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  • igwe lyrics
  • midnight crew igwe lyrics
  • igwe lyrics by midnight crew
  • kosobabire lyrics

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