Idi Ebube by Traimi Dave Complete Lyrics + Full Video

Song Title: Idi Ebube
Artist: Traimi Dave


Verse 1:
I have searched through all the earth
I have looked over the seas
From whence cometh my help
Not from men, Not from me, But from you
I have searched through all the earth
I have looked over the seas
From whence cometh my help
Not from men, Not from me, But from you

Idi Ebube eh eh
Imara mma ah ah
You be Go – o – od
You’re not a man (x2)

Verse 2:
[Joy help me sing] Heaven and earth call out to you
[Call out to you] Angels bow before your throne
[The 24 elders] the 24 Elders they prostrate fall
[They fall on their faces] not to man, [not even to me] not to me, but to you
[Heaven and earth] Heaven and earth call out to you
[Everyday and night] Angels bow before your throne
[The 24 Elders, all of them, all of them, they prostrate fall] the 24 elders they prostrate fall
[Not to any man] not to man, [not even to me] not to me, [but to you Jesus] but to you

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Chorus till Fade.

The Video

Thanks for visiting NEW AGE GOSPEL LYRICS remain blessed.

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.