10 Proven Ways to Overcome Temptation as a Believer

how to overcome temptationOvercoming temptation as a believing youth should be a daily routine and should bring joy, gladness and satisfaction to you as a Christian.

The Bible made it very clear that temptation must come, it is the ability to overcome every temptation joyously that makes your faith in Christ wax stronger.

Our focus today is on the youths, teenagers and young Adults that are faced with different levels of temptation and trials such as:

  • Persistent persecution by peers as a result of your refusal to join a gang and/or cult group
  • Temptation to commit fornication
  • Temptation to cheat in test and exams (examination Mal-practices)
  • Temptation to steal, fight, lie, bear a false witness and so many like it

We’ll take a look at the top 10 proven tips to overcoming temptation.

1. Pray Earnestly

The word of God admonishes us to pray always; in season and out of season. Every Christ believing youth and teenagers that want to overcome temptations always must inculcate the habit of  praying earnestly, purposefully and with total commitment to God.

[clickToTweet tweet=”With prayers, his grace, mercy, Love: you’ll surely overcome every temptation that comes your way” quote=”With prayers, his grace, mercy and Love: you’ll surely overcome every temptation that comes your way in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen “]

2. Study the Word

As a believer, having the Holy Bible is just not enough, you need to study it diligently, with determination and sincerity of purpose.

Always remember that; they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. Even the psalmist (David) made mention of the important of the Scripture for overcoming temptation and trials when he quotes

Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against thee (Psalm 119:11).

Christ our perfect example overcame temptation with the word of God. In every instances, he reminded the devil that “it is written”. As a believer, you need make the holy bible your best companion and refer to it whenever your are tempted by the devil.


3. Associate with other Believers

The bible made it very clear that we are in the world but not of the word, we can not run away from the physical word but must live by grace in order to overcome every temptation that comes our way.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25) is the part of the scripture you must reference to whenever the thought of Isolating yourselves from other believers comes to your mind.

We need the company of other believers to grow in faith, conquer fear and expand the kingdom of God.

4. Sing Psalms, Hymns, Praise and Worship Songs

Singing Godly songs that keeps your spirit man alive should form part of your daily living as a believer.

When the tempter comes, remember the solemn lines by Horatius R. Palmer (1868) that admonishes believers not to yield to temptations.

Spirit filled worship songs and hymns do not only keep your spirit man alive but helps you stay awaken as a believer, earnestly expecting the coming of the Lord.

5. Be Weary of the Besetting Sins

The Bible admonishes us to shun evil companion, evil appearances and the sins that consistently beset us (Hebrews 12:1).

Keeping afar from persistent objects or agents of temptation can help you overcome temptations as a believer.

You don’t go clubbing, beer parlous and/or around brothels if your faith isn’t strong enough to resit the urge to fall into such sins.

Even if your faith is strong enough for it, going with one or two more believers to such places will help you achieve more without frustrating the grace of God in you.

6. Resist the Devil

Christ our Lord resisted the Devil during his time on earth. He has assured us in the book of James 4:7 that if we resist the devil, he’ll flee from us.

Apart from prayers, meditation and singing; there are situations that needs your outright rejection of the enticement from Satan.


If someone offers you gift or money to commit sin (like in the case of Joseph) and/or do something that will offend God, you must as a believer reject such job offers, gifts and/or proposals without a second thought.

Rejecting the devil and his agents this way will make you a better, stronger and mountain-moving believer that will see Christ on the last day.

7. Preach the Gospel

Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ will help you scale through temptations of any height. Be it the temptation to cheat in exams (as a student in high school, college, university or polytechnics), the temptation to sleep with the opposite sex, temptation to fight and just any other trials.

Preaching the Gospel of grace and love will make you a stronger Christan and a better one at overcoming temptations.

8. Shun Laziness

Idleness is one of the things that makes believers fall cheaply to temptations. The Bible frowns at it, condemns it and even admonishes every believer to do something with their hands.

When you are idle, it opens many door for the devil to bring in idle thoughts, malicious ideas and other vices that leads to temptation.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Get busy doing something worthwhile, God will help you overcome every temptation that comes your way” quote=”Get yourself busy doing something worthwhile and the grace of God will help you overcome every temptation that comes your way in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”]

9. Dress Decently and Avoid Unnecessary Arguments

Idle talks and indecent dressing among young believers is another loophole the devil uses to lead them to sin. As a believer, dressing decently will help you remain chaste, faithful and always abounding in the faith.

Idle talks, unnecessary arguments, fruitless debates and noisy chats must be avoided at all cost. The Bible warns that in the multitude of words there wanteth no sin (Proverbs 10:19).

10. How do you Overcome Temptations as a Believer?

As a young adult, youth, students in colleges and higher institutions, teenagers in high school or just as a believer that is determined to live a holy, resolute and dedicated life for Christ.

How do you overcome temptations?

How can one overcome temptations?

What other tips do you think will be of help to believers who wants to live a life free from sin, fear and evil?

Please do share with us below.

NgLyrics Editor

NgLyrics Editor is the chief among the editorial team of New-age Gospel Lyrics. Our team is made up of dedicated believers around the world whose sole interest is promoting the gospel via songs, worship, messages and praise. You can join our team of contributors by sending us a contact request