His Blood Still Works – Joyous Celebration 19 Lyrics

Great is the Lord and His mighty great power
He died on the cross just for me
My life is proof that His blood still works
O He went to the cross just for me
Yes He died on the cross just for me

As He said he will do it
He fulfilled his promise
He’s been so faithful, ever-loving God
He gave up his life in return for my own
O He went on that cross just for me
He died on Calvary just for me
His blood still works,
His blood still works,
His blood still works,
His blood still works,
O He went on the cross just for me
You see, you didn’t have to do it Lord
You didn’t have to do it Lord
But I thank you Jesus
I ask myself; ……….
I aint worthy Jesus
I don’t have much to give
I don’t have much to say
I thank you Jesus
Listen, if it had not been for the Lord by my side
Where would I be?
Today I’m better
Today I’m stronger
If it had not been for the Lord
Where would I be?
His blood worked in my life
And I know it worked in your life yeah
I know you weren’t born like this
You had to be transformed
Not By might but power

NgLyrics Editor

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