He’s Done Me Well Lyrics by Pat Uwaje-King

He’s Done Me Well Lyrics by Pat Uwaje-King
Verse 1:
I will lift up your name
Cos you’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
I will lift up your name
Cos you’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
You’ve done me

Oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
Verse 2:
I will lift up my voice
Cos you’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
I will lift up my voice
Cos you’ve done me well
You’ve done me well
You’re the best Papa oh
Iyo, Iyo o
He’s done me well
(Repeat six times)
No one can do me like You do
No one can bless me like You do
(He’s done me well)
I feel you everywhere I go
You’ve really turned my life around
(He’s done me well)
He turned my mourning into dancing
I’ll forever live to testify of Your goodness!
(He’s done me well)
Iyo, Iyo o
He’s done me well
(Repeat three times)
I never see this kind God before
He’s done me well
He blessed my soul (oh yeah)
I never see this kind God before
He’s done me well
He made me whole
I’m whole again
I never see this kind God before
He’s done me well
He gave me joy
I’m glad indeed
I never see this kind God before
He’s done me well
He gave me hope
Somebody join me sing
What a mighty God we serve!
Iyo, Iyo o
He’s done me well
(Repeat three times)
Iyo, Iyo o
He’s done me well
(Repeat six times)

NgLyrics Editor

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