HEALER – JOYOUS 15 PART 2 LYRICS By Ntokozo Mbambo

Lifts me up when I fall
He’s my ever present help
In time of need
Covers me
With his righteousness

A healer, healer he is to me
When i’m falling
When i’m wounded and worn
Jesus takes me
Into his loving arms again
What a healer, healer he is to me

How often have I wandered away
From safety have I drifted away
But Jesus had to suffer to rescue me
He treats me as no rebel at all

He lifts me up
Every time that i fall
He’s my ever present help
In times of need
And He covers me with his righteousness
What a healer, what a healer

A healer, healer he is to me
When i’m falling
(Hallelujah and every time when I’m wounded and worn)
When i’m wounded and worn
Jesus takes me
(I feel so safe in his loving arms)
Into his loving arms again
What a healer
He’s always there for me (what a healer)
He is Jehova Jireh
He is fond and enough for me (what a healer)
He is Jehovah rapha my healer (what a healer)
Yeah what a healer
Healer he is to me


Ohoh oh yeah
What a healer he is to me
What a healer he is to me
Jehova Rapha my healer
Jehova Rapha my healer
And if he can do it for me
He can do it for you
You don’t have to worry no more
So receive your healing
Receive your healing
Everybody help me say

Receive your healing (just receive your healing)
Receive your healing (just open up your heart and)
Receive your healing (just receive your healing)
Receive your healing (oh believe it and receive it)
Receive your healing (believe it and receive it)
Receive your healing (believe it and receive it)
Receive your healing (just open up your heart and)
Receive your healing (open up your heart and receive it)

It’s here (it’s here)

It’s yours (it’s yours)

Yeah yeah
whatever you need it’s here
Whatever you need it’s here
Jesus paid it all just for you
He paid the ultimate price just for you
So receive it for it’s yours
Just receive it for it’s yours
For he was wounded for our transgression
And He was bruised for our inequities
The chastising of our peace
It was all upon him
And by everyone of his stripes
We are healed

ALSO SEE  ↄdↄ Mmere Ni (A Time To Love) Lyrics by Eugene Zuta

So receive your healing
Just receive your healing
Receive it
Just receive it
Just receive it
Just receive it for it’s yours (its yours)
Yes it’s yours (it’s yours)

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