A Greater Song by Paul Baloche Full Lyrics

Song Tittle: A Greater Song

Artist: Paul Baloche



Who could i- magine a mel- ody true enough to tell of Your mer- cy
Who could i- magine a har- mony sweet enough to tell of Your love
I see the heav- ens proclaiming You day after day
And I know in my heart that there must be a way

To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth
To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth

Who could i- magine a sym- phony grand enough to tell of Your glo- ry
Our highest praise but a fee- ble breath, a whisper of Your thunderous worth
I see the heav- ens proclaiming You day after day
And I know in my heart that there must be a way

To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth
To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth
To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth
To sing a great- er song, a great- er song to You on the earth

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Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher, hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher, hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher, hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher, higher, higher
I see the heav- ens proclaiming You day after day
And I know in my heart that there must be a way

Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
(Repeat twice)
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
Hallelujah, we wanna lift You higher
(Repeat as desired)


The Video

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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.