Everything is well by Jahdiel complete lyrics
Song Title: Everything is Well
Artist: Jahdiel
Verse 1
The blind will see
The lame will walk
The dumb will speak
Because you’re in
Because you’re in this place
Dry bones will rise
Mountains will move
Every door will open
Because you’re in
Because you’re in this place
Because your presence is here
Because your anointing is here
Because Jesus You’re here
Everything is well
Verse 2:
In your presence
There is joy
Fullness of power
At your right hand
There are pleasures forever more
Hearts are mended
Burdens are lifted
Yokes are broken
Because you’re in
Because you’re in this place
Because your presence is here
Because your anointing is here,
Because Jesus You’re here
Everything is well
Oh Lord my God how great thou Art
In your presence mountains melt like wax
Because your presence is here
Because your anointing is here,
Because Jesus You’re here
Everything is well
It is well with my soul
It is well
The Video
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