Delight Thyself in The Lord by Patrick Love Complete Lyrics

Song Tittle: Delight Thyself in The Lord

Artist: Patrick Love


Recorded in 1998 by The A.L. JinWright Mass Choir


Delight Thyself in the Lord
Delight Thyself in the Lord

Verse 1:
Sometimes our burdens
Can weigh so heavily
And life’s complexities
Can cause our heart to grieve
But no matter what you’re going thru
The Lord can bring you out
But there is something you
First must do-

Abide in Him and
He’ll abide in you
Throughout your trials
He’ll see you through
It’s written in His word and
His word is true
If you-

Delight Thyself in the Lord
Delight Thyself in the Lord

Delight Thyself in the Lord
He’ll supply your every need
He’ll give you the desires of your heart

Verse 2:
So don’t you worry
When dark clouds
dim your day
Remember that Jesus
Will always make a way
So trust in Him and never doubt
Believe that He will bring you out
Because He cares so very much for you
If you-

ALSO SEE  I Can Depend On God by Patrick Love Complete Lyrics

Delight yourself in the Lord
Delight yourself in the Lord

Delight yourself in the Lord
He’ll supply your every need
He’ll give you the desires of your heart

He’ll give you the desires of your heart
He’ll give you the desires of your heart
He’ll give you the desires of your heart

Delight yourself in the Lord
(As Directed)

He’ll supply your every need
He’ll give you the desires of your heart


The Video

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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.