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For Contributions, Donation, and Partnership

Do you have other ideas on the best ways to improve the spreading of the Gospel via Christian Music distribution, Gospel Tips update, and/or believer’s partnership? Please share the same with us via the contact form below or by sending an email to webmaster[at]

We welcome other forms of contribution, valuable donations, partnership ideas, and/or any other material contribution to improve the New Age Gospel Lyrics website’s running.

The contribution/donation can come in any of these forms:

  • Finance and monetary support: You can support our work here at Nglyrics by donating to this website’s running. You can make your donations via this link or request for the Paypal Email Address/Bank account to pay into.
  • Giveaway Sponsorship: You can offer to sponsor a free giveaway to our Bible-believing audience or just anyone interested in the giveaway exercise. It can be monetary rewards, Bible, and other Christian wares.
  • The Holy Bible, Hymns, Christian Books, Videos, Music, and other Gospel items: You can offer to give out your premium wares such as paid apps, hymnals, music, Bibles, and stuff to Nglyrics readers.


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