Lyrics to Come Lord Jesus by Dustin Kensrue

Song Title: Come Lord Jesus

Author: Dustin Kensrue

Language: English

Come Lord Jesus by Dustin Kensrue Full Lyrics

Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come

Come again to claim Your own
Come to reap what You have sown
All creation weeps and groans for You

It’s to You that we belong
It’s to You we lift our song
How our spirits look and long for You

Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come

Like a thief in dead of night
Come, our everlasting light
Let Your brilliance shame the brightest day

With Your voice like endless seas
Wielding swords and stars and keys
Bring the nations to their knees we pray

Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come

For though fitful is our flame
You’re from age to age the same
Jesus, faithful is Your name and true

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So until the sun does rise
Till Your trumpets rend the skies
Help us keep our restless eyes on You

Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come
Come Lord Jesus, come

The Video

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