Chukwu Okike Lyrics By Frank Edwards

It’s a beautiful day;

it feels good to be a winner,
winning is sure today,
all I’ll do, is give Him praise
The King of Glory,
Everlasting Father,
I wrote this song for you,
from my heart;
and I’ll Sing.


O papa (O Father)
Odighi onye di ka gi (There is none like you)
Jehovah m imara nma ee (My Jehovah you are so good)

Chuku okike (God the Creator)
Nara ekele nkem jiri bia (Take all the thanks that I bring)
Jehovah m imara nma ee (My Jehovah you are so good)

Nna (Daddy)
Odighi onye dika gi (There is none like you)
Jehovah m imara nma ee (My Jehovah you are so good)

Chukwu okike (God the Creator)
Nara ekele nkem jiri bia (Take all the thanks that I bring)
Jehovah m imara nma ee (My Jehovah you are so good)

Chukwu Okike eee!!!


Pure and Holy,
So kind and merciful,
the lily valley,
only you,
Chukwu Ebuka (Big God),
The lamb upon throne,
I,I,I Worship you,
Nara Ekele (Take all the Praise)
Mmalite n’ogwugwu (Begining and the End)
This my Song to you


Chukwu Okike (God Creator)
I mara nma eee (You are so beautiful)
You are so beautiful,
and you’v been so good to me
E e!
I can’t live….Can’t live without you,
I can’t breath….can’t breath without you
There is no me….no me without you,
good God (2x)

ALSO SEE  Fine Baby Sinach Lyrics By Frank Edwards ft. Gil

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  • chukwu okike lyrics by frank edward
  • chukwu okike lyrics by samsung
  • frank edwards chukwu okike lyrics

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