Chukwu Okike by Samsong Full Lyrics

Song Title: Chukwu Okike

Artist: Samsong



Oh…Just wave your hands to worship him

How can I start to describe
The wonders of your hands
Your power and your might
How can I start to describe
The wondrous things you’ve done
And all the battles won
The mountains and the hills bow before you
Kings of the earth cast their crowns before you
The leaves of the trees clap their hands
Cause your praises will never end
Eze muo nara ekele
Onye ukwu nara otito
The reign of your power will never end
It’s forever and ever

Chukwu okike chimara obi mo
Odighi onye dika gi, Odighi onye yiri gi
Chukwu okike Chimara obi mo
Odighi onye dika gi, Odighi onye yiri gi
Idi ebube, Idi omimi, Idi ukwu
Odighi onye dika gi
Idi ebube, Idi omimi, Idi ukwu
Odighi onye dika gi

Repeat Chorus

Idi ebube, Idi omimi, Idi ukwu
Odighi onye dika gi
Idi ebube, Idi omimi, Idi ukwu
Odighi onye dika gi

ALSO SEE  Holy Spirit by VaShawn Mitchell Complete Lyrics

Chukwu okike Chimara obimo
Odighi onye dika gi
Odighi onye yiri gi

The Video

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  • How Can I Start To Describe The Wonders Of Ur Hands The Battles Uve Won Song Lyrics

Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.