Chukwu Mo Nso – Frank Edwards Lyrics

Song Title :  Chukwu MMo Nso
Author : Frank Edwards

The Full Lyrics 

last few years has been so good
and today is even better

truely God has been so good

He’s always there when ever I call Him

Eze ndi Eze (King of Kings)

What can I do without you

Eze ndi Eze

Where will I be without you


Chuku Mo nso eee (Holy God)

Agbakuru ezuru ike eee (our Shelter and resting place)

who I hide in His wings

Chuku Mo nso eee

Odighi Onye di ka gi (There is none like you)

There is none like you

I see people passing by

smiling faces all the way

there is no doubt you’ve been so good

everything you are to me

Eze ndi Eze (King of Kings)

What can I do without you

Eze ndi Eze

Where will I be without you


you alone are worthy to be praised

Eze ndi Eze

the Lion and the Lamb who sits upon the throne

I’ll for ever praise your Holy name

My Father and my only Friend

that’s who you are

Eze ndi Eze (King of Kings)

What can I do without you

Eze ndi Eze

Where will I be without you

Chorus 2X
The YouTube Video 

ALSO SEE  Chioma By Beverly Oh Full Lyrics and video

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  • lyrics of chukwu obioma by frank edward
  • chukwunonso lyrics by frank edward
  • chukwu obioma ft frank edwards lyrics
  • chukwu obioma song lyrics
  • ebezina chukwunonso lyrics by frank edward
  • ebezina chukwu nonso lyrics by frank edward
  • frank edward chukwu nonso
  • chukwu obioma lyrics by frank edward

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