Breathe on Me By Elijah Oyelade Lyrics and Video

Breathe on Me By Elijah Oyelade LyricsSONG TITLE: BREATHE ON Me

AUTHOR: Elijah Oyelade


Breathe On Me Full Lyrics

Touch my  body  my  soul my spirit
Breath on me /2x

Lay Your hands on me dear Lord
Breath on me /2x

Touch my body
Let it respond to You
Touch my heart
I wanna love You more /2x

Lay Your hands on me dear Lord
Breath on me /2x
(oh breath of life)

Lay Your hands on me dear Lord /3x
Breath on me

Spirit take control
Spirit have your way
Touch my body
Let your life swallow up every flesh
Let your power flow

Let your spirit take control
Spirit have your way
Let immortality swallow up mortality
Lay your hands on me Lord
Let every flesh be gone from me
Enforce your will

Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
Lay your hands on me Jesus
Spirit have your way
Let your breath flow

Let your breath of life flow
Let your power flow
Lay your hands on me
Daddy moo baba mooo
Lay your hands on me
Lift me up!
Lead the way
Have your way

The Video

Lyrics found using:

  • Touch my body my spirit my soul by Elijah oyelade