BALEKA – JOYOUS 17 LYRICS By Nobathembu Mabeka

Baleka baleka
Baleka baleka 
Baleka ngenyawo­ zombini.
[Run with your two feet]

Ezinye izinto azifuni dolo
[Some issues don’t need you to kneel]
Azifuni ngxoxo ,baleka qha
[Need no arguement, just run]


Ekuhlaleni uhlezi njalo
Uxox’ ulwini kodw’ ungumzalwane,
[In your community you’re involved in gossip though you’re a christian]
Ufunani kwiimbutho zabangxeki ungumzalwane
[What are you doing in ungodly meetings you’re a christian?]
Ude utsale indlebe bo
[You even eavesdrop]

Esikolweni kunoSugar Daddy
[At school there’s a sugar daddy]
Okwenzela everything
[That does everything for you]
[Just tell me]
Kusizani uzuz’ ilizwe nezinto zalo
[What does it help to gain everything in this world]
Ushiywe nguJehova
[And drift away from Jehova]


Bazalwane ezinye izinto azifuni dolo
Azifuni ngxoko baleka qha

Mhlolokazi kukho lotata ufika njalo endlini yakho
[Widow there’s this man who always comes to your house]
Ukhalazela umkakhe olixelegu ongaphekiyo omtshawuta njalo,
[Complaining about his clumsy wife who doesn’t cook, who shouts at him all the time]
Kutheni esiza kuwe?
[Why is he coming to you?]

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Eh brother kukho lo sister ofowuna njalo ngo 2 a.m
[Brother, there’s this sister who always calls at 2 a.m]
Namhlanje ubeka le
[Today she’s telling you this]
Ngomso athethe le
[Tomorrow is telling you that]
Ngo 2 a.m? Hay’bo mzalwane.
[At 2 a.m? Oh no brother.]

Bazalwane masizigade
[Christians we should look after ourselves]
Singayiphoxi ivangeli ,baleka
[Let us not humiliate evangelism, run]

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