Are You Ready Lyrics by Kenny K’Ore

Na na na na na
na na na na na
na na na na na na na na

Iniquity fills the Land
Pride of life rules the mind
as the people’s heart is waxing cold
the preacher’s are becoming politicians
Kingdom rises against kingdom
Nations war against nation
Christianity without Jesus,
the new religion in vogue
You better learn to see the signs
Don’t be the first to compromise
[Christ is coming soon
Are you ready? x4
Are you ready? Are you ready. x2
Our sanctuary, like a mortuary
people are weary in their spirit
while the harvest is getting lost
the saints are busy making a living
the one’s who dare to be different,
are the ones who care to raise the Bible
Hoping when their saviour comes,
He will carry them Home.
You better learn to see the signs
Don’t be the first to compromise
[Christ is coming soon
Are you ready? ]x2
Jesus is coming soon, Are you ready?
Christ is coming soon, are you ready?
Are you ready? Are you ready. x2
Don’t ever try to compromise, you better learn to see the signs…

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